Your Voice: What Costumes Caught Your Eye This Halloween?


Ella Bowman, Online Editor

Whether giving out candy at home, attending parties or hitting the streets teens revived their Halloween traditions in 2021. We asked students to share some of the favorite costumes they encountered. Here’s the responses.

Adelaide Siegers, 10

“My friend Aaron, she goes here. She was an inflatable unicorn. It was super funny because every time she walked around it was like a little waddle. And she couldn’t climb the stairs. It was phenomenal.”

Sam McClure, 12 

“I saw a transformer that actually transformed.”

Aaron Cooper, 9

“I saw someone dressed as a dragon with Hulk hands.”

Noah Pavlovitz 11

“Santa Clause because I thought it was funny someone was dressed for Christmas on Halloween.”

Sam Gortva, 10

“I saw a Mad Hatter costume that was really good. It stood out because it was executed well and was very detailed.”

Lauryn Durst, 11

“I saw a vending machine. A guy dressed up as a vending machine.”

Aubrey Newnam, 9

“Adam Sandler because it was creative and made me laugh.”

Jordan Ngo, 12

“My favorite costume for Halloween was the tall clown. He was really tall. It was a very intricate costume. I think he had a wig on too. That made it look really cool.”

Annalee Seifert, 11

“I saw FroZone. Something about seeing FroZone walking around makes me very happy. I think he is the best character in the Incredibles, and I stand by that claim.”

Alison Staples, 12

“My friend was Harry Styles and it stood out because she looked hot. She bodied her outfit and was singing Harry Styles’s songs. She was also saying ‘It’s Harry Style’s, love.’ all night.”

Nathaniel Guzman, 9

“A dinosaur inflatable costume. It looked amazing and it was different from mine.”

Caroline Massey, 12

“A family was dressed up as ghostbusters, and I thought it was creative.”