Girls’ golf places second to start the season

One of senior Carter Day’s tee shots. Day is a two-time regional qualifier for the Cougar golf team.

Morgan Johnson and Colby Brown

With the new school year starting, so does school sports. The girls’ golf team and coach Jeremiah Mattingly share their thoughts on their second place finish in the opening match.

MK Hederick, sophomore finished second for the Cougars with her 43 score. Hederick was impressed with how she did at her first match.

“I did very well my first game, and I wasn’t expecting that,” Hederick said.

Sophomore Cat Vivongsy led the team with a 41. The team finished one stroke behind Wakefield and one stroke ahead of Corinth Holders.

Vivongsy is excited for a good season of playing and improving her play.

“One way I can improve is focusing because I can get distracted a lot,” Vivongsy said.

Mattingly has not been surprised by the fact that his players are improving everyday.

“I saw the potential last year, and because the girls have played so much in the off-season,” Mattingly said.

However, Mattingly still thinks they can improve their play.

“They need to improve on shot selection, in other words picking the right clubs that avoid danger like bunkers and the woods to avoid big numbers like double bogeys and higher.”