Dance Team Looks Forward To Full Performance Season

The dance team recently performed at the halftime of the Feb. 2 girls’ basketball game

Lizzie Kallal and Kaylyn Brittain

In 2019, the school added a dance team for hard working performers to be able to showcase their talents. Senior dance captain Abbey Boone and teammate, senior Katie Mills sat down with us to talk about future expectations for the dance team and what it means to be a leader.

“My favorite part of being a team leader is showing them good leadership, always including everybody and making sure that everyone knows what they are doing,” Mills said.

Dance can be a very time consuming sport, especially when dancing at a studio as well as for the school. Boone commits as much as a part-time job to her passion.

“I would say about 20 hours a week for all the dance I do,” Boone said.

Practice makes perfect, and our dancers strive to showcase exemplary routines, while also enjoying the moment

“I like being a role model and everybody looking up to me,” Boone said.“I love performing, I love being on stage, I love the adrenaline rush that I get when I perform.”

Being able to work together as a team can be hard, especially in high school theater, performing arts and sports. Something that Mills endeavored to do as a leader was making sure the team came together as one.

“We do some group bonding before and make sure everyone is ready as much as we can be,” Mills said.

A challenge, Mills said, was, “probably trying to make sure everyone is included and that no one feels left out.”

As the team prepares to perform at home basketball games and later dance concerts, Boone has high hopes for the team’s success.

“I hope that everyone can perform to the best of their ability and be proud of what we produce.”