Wake Up and Read book drive sends books home with elementary students
April 20, 2018
In her 1943 semi-biographical novel “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,” author Betty Smith wrote, “Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words!”
But for many Wake County children that magic cannot be continued at home because of a lack of books.
This semester Media Specialist Heather Fields facilitated the Wake Up and Read book drive to benefit students in Wake County who do not have access to reading materials in their homes.
Concluding Feb. 28, teachers and students donated 1030 books, which WCPSS helped to find new homes with eager readers.
“I’m really excited that we did make the one thousand mark. Our staff and students really came together at it was a success.” Fields said.
Fields finds it essential for the community to continue being active readers and to foster young readers.
Fields said, “I think that any thing we can do to serve the community and promote literacy is super important. Wake up and read is an organization with the goal of getting books into the homes of students who normally wouldn’t have access to books and allow them to read over the summer when they aren’t able to go to the school library.”