Holidays Can Be A Time For Appreciation

We asked students and staff: “What are you thankful for?”

By Alexa from Pixabay

The holidays are a wonderful time to reflect on what we’re thankful for. Sometimes, people overlook the things that are taken for granted. Reporters asked students what they are thankful for.

“I’m thankful, mostly, for my family, you know, knowing that I always have someone there for me,” senior Aaron Reynolds said.

Physical well-being may be overlooked when people are asked what they’re thankful for.

“Family, friends and good health,” senior Sailor Barrington said. 

Pets are the backbone of some people’s lives. Whether it’s man’s best friend or a feline fella, pets are always there for us.

“Family, my faith and my dog,” junior Adam Kotynski said.

Shelter is fundamental for human safety and protects us from the natural elements.

“My family and the roof over my head,” senior Katherine Tinker said.

Sometimes, it’s the people around us that really matter. 

“I’m thankful for my friends, which is a very basic answer, but they have always been there for me when I need it. They are caring, funny, kind and fun. I will always be thankful for them,” senior Nicki Woloszyn said.

Junior Jacob Johnson is thankful for a weekly American staple from September to December.

“I’m thankful for Thursday Night Football,” Johnson said. 

Experiences can be a vital part of our lives and the memories created from them can last a lifetime.

“Being able to travel back to Vietnam to be able to see my mom for the summer,” senior Hailey Nguyen said.

Staff at Wake Forest were also asked what they were thankful for.

“I’m thankful for my family, I’m thankful for my job, thankful that my parents are still alive, thankful for my kids, thankful for the students here at Wake Forest. It gives me a job,” assistant principal Mary Covington said.

Although students may be challenging at times, one teacher is thankful for the bonds she forms with them. 

“My students, even though they might drive me crazy sometimes, ” math teacher Caleigh Crane said.

Being thankful doesn’t just apply to one thing. It applies to many other things that bring our lives joy and happiness.

“I’m thankful for my family, I’m thankful for video games, for being able to take breaks and for the joy of being alive,” math teacher Eric Marsh said.