Meet Sarah Mastillone

This piece of art was created by senior Sarah Mastillone this year.

Rebekah Helms, Staff Reporter


While some students take art as an elective or hobby, senior Sarah Mastillone takes it much more seriously and plans on making it a career.

Mastillone has been taking art all throughout high school. She plans on going to Appalachian State next year to study graphic design.

Even though Mastillone has been taught by all three art teachers, her first teacher was her dad.

“Whenever we went out to eat or went to parties, he would draw on the napkins, and he kind of taught me how to draw, and that’s where I started,” Mastillone said.

Mastillone explored diverse art styles in her classes, but some are her favorite.

“I’m more of a black and white realism person and kind of graphite person. I use colors, but I feel like black and white realisms is more of my style,” Mastillone said.

Her teachers have watched her grow as an artist and know just how talented she is.

“Sarah’s strength is in realism, being meticulous in her work, and producing work which is refined in end product,”

Mastillone’s previous teacher Theodore Gasper said.

Mastillone’s biggest struggle in art is attempting different styles, which the teachers always push her to try.
They have all given me projects that make me step out of my comfort zone and make things that I don’t normally do,” Mastillone said.