Blalock third WF athlete honored by Raleigh Sports Club
Senior Leslie Blalock poses with NC State Men’s Basketball coach Mark Gottfried Nov. 4 when she was honored by the Raleigh Sports Club as its high school athlete of the week.
November 5, 2015
Senior Leslie Blalock was honored Nov. 4 by the Raleigh Sports Club as the High School Athlete of the Week.
The Sports Club honors a new athlete every week for not only being a great athlete but also being a great student and citizen. Every athlete that is honored has to maintain a 3.8 un-weighted GPA.
Blalock is the third athlete this year to be chosen by the sports club from our school. Blalock received this honor for soccer and tennis. Chelsea Cunningham and Connor Cochrane were the earlier recipients of the award.
“It felt very good being honored by a club that has athletes in it such as Bryce Love, knowing that he is at a big university like Stanford now playing football,” Blalock said.
At the fall sports banquet Assistant Athletic Director Geoff Belcher spoke to the crowd of parents and athletes on the achievement of having three WF athletes honored by the club.
“I think it says a lot about the character and commitment of our student athletes here at Wake Forest that this early in the school year we have already managed to have three of our athletes honored,” Belcher said.
Every week the club meets and has a luncheon with a variety of important people from NC and national athletic organizations. For Blalock’s luncheon North Carolina State’s basketball coach Mark Gottfried spoke when Blalock attended.
The speeches by the guests allow for the honored athletes to take away something from what they say. For Blalock, Gottfried mentioned something that made her consider her future.
Blalock said, “Mark said that his son was honored by the club when he was in high school, and I know that his son is somewhere playing sports in college.”