Your Voice: How’d Your 2022 Resolutions Turn Out?

As we ring in 2023, let’s hear how you fared with your 2022 resolutions

Image by Rosy from Pixabay

Cameron Fulton, 10

“Get better friends. Yes, because for the most part they have been cut off. Some of them are still hanging around and lurking. The opposition is lurking.”

Devin Dullum, 10

“My New Year’s resolution was to start working out four times a week. And I’ve been successful in following my resolution.”

Charlotte Boriotti, 12

“At the beginning of 2022, I made the resolution to not eat beef or pork for an entire year. I made this resolution after learning about the lack of sustainability in these industries, and because of my interest in working on sustainability career wise. I’ve been successful except for the one time I accidentally ate a pork egg roll because I didn’t realize it had pork in it until I was halfway finished with it.”

Derek Romada, 11

“To get better at basketball. I practiced a lot more and got better.”

Nathaniel Guzman, 10

“To create a working schedule that I stick to. I was not successful.”

Zachary Barret, 10

“Yes, I was successful in my resolution. I continued to work hard in making good grades and keeping my mental health in a stable level.”

Amanda Reed, 10

“I wanted to keep my room cleaner to help with my mental health. I was a little successful, but not as much as I would have hoped.”

Maggie Sullivan, 10

“I said that I was going to try and read more. I also wanted to focus on myself and do more things for myself. I think I was pretty successful in both of those, but I definitely could’ve done better.”

Lars Uhland, 12

“To be more engaged in my Bible. I would say I was 50/50 on being successful with it.”

Alexis Hirth, 12 

“I made a resolution to get more sleep, hasn’t really worked out. I got more sleep in the summer,  just not now. So, the summer was great: I got a lot of sleep, and I’m not getting sleep now.”

Abbey Collupy, 10

“To clean my room almost every day. I was very successful. I actually clean my room every night.”

Tristan Caskey, 10

“I wanted to learn how to make food, and I learned how to make macaroni.”