NAS Members Honor MLK’s Dream

Students created a display near the media center entrance highlight their dreams

Sydney Howard, Editor in Chief

In honoration of Black History Month, the National Achievers Society created a display to highlight Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream by sharing theirs.  

The National Achievers Society is an honors society for minorities, sponsored by the Urban League.  

The members of the club completed templates, revealing what their dream entails.  Their dreams are on display in the common area by the media center. 

In addition, templates were provided in the media center for any student to complete. And classroom teachers received templates as well for their classes to participate. 

In all, more than 130 dream slips grace the walls.

Here are some dreams that caught our attention:

“Eliminate the wage gap between men and women and improve women’s equality.”

“Be an outlet in my community, providing laughter, joy and creating jobs and homes.”

“Everyone to have the same quality of life as Americans do.”

“Be successful and accomplish something that I am proud of.”