Field Trip Showcases College Choral Program
October 25, 2021
Chorus teacher Mary McGrath took her classes on a virtual field trip Oct. 21
“We went on a virtual choir tour with Appalachian State University Choir’s: Chamber Singers and University Singers,” McGrath said. “In a non-COVID world, Appalachian State would come to our school to perform and discuss the music offerings at ASU, but this year, we made it virtual.”
The field trip was for the students to learn about music degrees, classes and music rigor, which Appalachian State hosted for them. This field trip took place during several of the students’ school days.
Students came to the chorus room for our virtual trip in the third and fourth periods.
Seniors are also starting to apply to colleges and this virtual trip influenced some of McGrath’s seniors’ decisions. McGrath had many hopes for the significance and impact of this field trip.
“I hoped my students would see that anyone at the university could participate in the chorus: Business majors, finance, education, nursing majors—they’re all in chorus,” McGrath said. “Music stays with us for a lifetime.”