Students Take Field Trip to Read to Kindergartners


Sharon Drummond

I can’t be the only one. Please tell me that every book shelf in every home has at least one book with that telltale library spine label. At least it’s not a hard cover… Submitted to Scavenge Challenge #2 – Precarious Stack and #3 – Borrowed and Failed to return

Vianna Ramnarain and Bryan Beck

On Wednesday, Oct. 3 the Book Club went on a field trip to read to the kindergarteners of Richland Creek Elementary. Participants had nothing but good things to say.

“It was really cool. They’re all super cute and polite, and it was just nice getting able to
be there,” junior Aliyah Wallace said.

Many of the participants had different reasons for attending this trip, but all of them were
excited to go.

“I’ve never done something like that before, and I thought it would be fun,” sophomore
Maria Sokar said.

The kindergarteners also seemed to enjoy the visit of their reading buddies.

“They were very excited, and they enjoyed it,” junior Sylvia Hanson said.

The students that attended the trip had a strong passion for books and reading, and they
all wanted the kids to experience the same passion that they did.

“I think it’s really important to get the children to learn to love reading,” Sokar said.

Senior Karla Chavez felt strongly about their cause and wanted to encourage others to feel the
same, starting at a young age.

“I think it’s very important because, especially as a book club member. I’ve always done
this every year, and I think that it’s good to encourage the kids to start reading at a young age,”
Chavez said.