Punctuality is a key to success
In keeping our PRIDE, we’d like to see our students staying Punctual and our halls empty right after every bell
January 22, 2019
At our school we practice character traits that will later be needed to be successful in the workplace. Local businesses leaders give their input for why punctuality is important as an employee.
To be punctual means being on time, ready to perform any tasks an employer asks and showing dedication to what you’re doing.
Co-owner of Keith’s Corner Café Cynthia Paschall thinks punctuality is important when doing any job or task.
“Employers sometimes have a task that needs to be done. They plan on the person that is coming in at a certain time to take care of that task. They may also have other tasks that need to be done in order for their deadlines to be me,” Paschall said.
In school, we often are told it is important to practice good character traits for when we go out into the real world. Punctuality is a good trait to represent our school because it is important students come to class on time.
Manager of Porter and Rabinowitz chiropractic office Adam Rabinowitz has his take on what punctuality means in the workplace.
“Punctuality is important in the workplace because it shows your dedication to your job and your employer,” Rabinowitz said.
When applying for jobs, employers look for dedication and want to see you have the time to put in. Allstate employee Cristal Moore agrees and thinks punctuality is very important.
“It’s almost mandatory in this day and age. You need to be on time. You need to show up and be ready to work and give 110 percent” Moore said.
Many traits are necessary when you enter the real world but punctuality is especially is important.
Paschall said, “When the person they are expecting at a certain time is late, it can throw their plans into chaos. This sometimes causes stress for all employees who are trying to meet the deadline.”