Break has students looking forward to family traditions

December 18, 2015
Holiday Traditions can be a cherished memory among all families, no matter what holiday they are celebrating.
Forest Fire reporters scoured the halls to ask students to share some of their favorite holiday memories.
“On Christmas Eve me and my family all open one present. That present is Christmas pajamas, and so we all watch a Christmas movie in Christmas pajamas,” junior Aspen Early said.
To junior Mariana Gonzalez, Christmas means traveling away from home to be with family.
“We usually go to California, and I like it because we do it every year, and I’ve grown up with that. It’s the only time of the year the whole family can be together,” Gonzalez said.
For some, a little competition is always fun every year.
“I love when my family plays a game of football after our big Christmas dinner,” freshman Sarah Jones said.
With the coming of the New Year, people like junior RJ Wright enjoy reflecting on events of the past.
Wright said that his favorite holiday traditions include, “Sitting around the table, like, with my family, reminiscing about the olden days.”
Overall, the holidays are a time to not only give presents, but to give time to one other.
Junior Jayden Santiago said, “My favorite holiday tradition is when the whole entire family gets together: we have popcorn, hot chocolate and we watch Charlie Brown.”